Zajimavosti/zajimave clanky
Pěkná story jednoho človíčka, ze kterého je další závislý hráč DDR
Jste šíleným hráčem DDR pokud...
Nedokoncena manga o DDR. Je to zabavne a zaroven vas to o DDR pouci pokud v tom nejste moc zbehli. Dance Dance Reitz
Pokud umite anglicky precte si tento clanek. Je docela zajimavy. Jedna se o budoucnost DDR (a jinych beat games) v Americe. Technology and bussiness - Dance Dance Revolution
Dalsi clanek, ktereho se pobavite je zde. Life Outside of the LAN - DDR
Pokud neumite anglicky, ale za to umite francouzsky tak se podivejte na tento manga strip. DDR
Muj vlastni clanek uvadejici nezname do sveta DDR. Napsan je ve francouzstine a byl publikovan na DDRHlasky, ktere me jistym zpusobem zaujaly
In The Groove jde nějak do módy. V Americe bohužel lidem už nestačí procenta, aby mohli pořádně počítat skóre. Jednou se tak stalo a byly výsledky 99,42% a 99,42%. Co pak? Xsoft na to prohodil tuto pěknou hlášku.
"ITG3 snad bude kvuli takovejmhlel lidem mit promile"
Zkratka DDR má i někdy nevýhody. Tak se Dance Dance Revolution dost často plete s DDR RAM.
"Člověče, sem si pořídil novou DDR"
" Fakt?!To si můžem zatancovat"
Človíček, který oznamoval koupi své paměti se pak hrozně zděsí a druhému pak dojde, kde jak se hrozně spletl.
[2004-08-15 19:34] Xsoft: Dobre - test naroda - kdo vi co je DDR? (PS: S RAMkama to nema co delat)
[2004-08-15 19:35] slzoherec: Xsoft: Tri velka pismena latinky.
Po nekolika sekundach se nejaky chytrak pripojil na me a zacal stahovat ode me cele skladby pro DWI a SM. Tak jsem ho PMla.
[2004-08-15 19:50] stsung: Vis co je to DDR? Ptam se proto, ze pred chvili na otazku co je to DDR (s RAMkama to nema co delat) nikdo neodpovedel a ted koukam ty ode me stahujes songy do DDR.
Po dlouhe dobe ticha se ozvalo: "Ani ne."
Tak a teď to, co jsem posbírala na internetu.
'Think of it either as a really tiring video game or a noisy gym that charges by the minute.'
'I took this girl out on a date, to the movies — Century 16 — and I'm sure she thought it was gonna be some easy going nice-boy date, but after the movie, we hit the arcade, and ‘Afronova' on maniac (a difficult DDR song) pretty much ended her. And, plus, it served as the deciding factor in whether or not a relationship would work out'...'In fact, the only thing that looks geekier than being bad at Dance Dance Revolution is being really good.'
'Now dancing's been around forever, but I guess someone figured it's always better if you pay $1.00 by the minute, to have a machine play bad music tell you exactly what steps to make. (Bonus points if you play it for hours on end and draw a crowd to watch you make an ass of yourself and nearly starve to death, nourishing your unhealthy arcade addiction.)'
'There's a new drug on the drug on the street, something far more addictive than nicotine, crack, or heroin. Addicts of this new drug aren't in the gutter or dirty alleys; they're in our places of entertainment: our arcades, our theme parks, our family fun centers. And how do normal people react when they see these addicts, drugged out like zombies, moving like automatons and blowing their hard earned allowance? They watch. They stand back, point, and make little comments to each other, while the addicts keep on using right in front of them. Occasionally one of the watchers gets curious. "I am the master of my own fate," these people think. "I can try it and stop whenever I want." These foolish, foolish people. I was once one of the curious… but now… I've crossed the line. And there's no going back. Might as well admit it, I'm addicted to Dance Dance Revolution.'
'It's a Korean Dance Dance Revolution machine at the mall, but it's not some ordinary DDR machine, it has HAND SENSORS. DAMN! The silly thing is more addictive than coffee and much more healthy. Spent four hours playing it with Kat today. Yes, four, in a mall arcade. Damn are we geeks, nerds, fools, use whatever termonology you want, we won't care because it was the best four hours of my life in a long long time.
"It's our only form of exercise," a slightly out-of-breath Schlater says, after being defeated by a screen that was essentially an eruption of directional arrows and would have required a spasmic octopus to master. If octopi could survive outside of water, of course.
'It may not look like fun to the casual observer. Players rarely smile when they're on the small metal dancing platform backed by a safety rail. They're too busy concentrating on the large computer screen in front of them, trying to step on electronic floor arrows in harmony with corresponding arrows that flash on the screen.'
...'but experienced players often go straight to the "maniac," or "heavy" level, in which the screen arrows fly upward like a flock of startled geese and the platform arrows must be struck at machine-gun speed.'
'Dance Dance Revolution won't make you rich, brilliant or president. But anyone still clinging to their joysticks should answer this question: When's the last time a video game got you a date?'
'Playing doesn't have to be about sitting still doing nothing; instead, you can find yourself dripping with sweat.'
'This game also encourages socialization. "DDR Ultramix" is best played while being laughed at by someone else.'
"Each day, your performance is different. You can do the same song 50 times, and do it 50 different ways," she said. "Dance Dance Revolution is kind of like your own personal club."
'Their hasteful make-up-for-that-note-I'm-almost-about-to-miss steps threw off their game.'
'The experience in the arcade is complete with pumping dance music, flashing stage lights, and an announcer's voice proclaiming "The crowd loves you!" What seems like a simple game is soon revealed to be difficult and exhausting, but also immediately addictive!'
After this and a couple of jumps, the song will slow down in the middle of a stream of steps. A lot. To put it another way, it… g----e-----t------s… …s-------l--------o---------w. (mluvime samozrejme o Sakure na heavy)
The PS2 is quickly becoming the ultimate party accessory, with EyeToy topping the sales charts and a plethora of pick up and play BeMani titles hitting the shelves, it seems that you can't just sit down and have a quiet beer in the corner any more. No, you have to jump up and down on a dance mat as those hypnotic arrows float up the screen. Do you look like a fool? Yes. But are you having fun? Damn straight.
On completion of each stage you're given a few equivalents, so that you can lie to your friends and say that you swam for eight miles or did four hundred skips before breakfast. It's certainly more fun than dancing about in front of Mr Motivator – not that I've ever done that, you understand...Last Update 5:12 PM 10/28/2005 S'Tsung